Tag: image

  • Social Peacocking

    “Social Peacocking” is a term used to describe the flaunting of fashion in order to attract attention and conversation, particularly for the purpose of “hooking up.” I recently heard the term used in reference to “selfies.” This analogy made me laugh at first. Imagine a beautiful bird puffing his chest and fluffing his feathers while…

  • Does your Beauty Speak Authenticity?

    Women are like flowers. They are beautiful and their presence alone can create an atmosphere for those around them. Like all living creatures, flowers–and women–have various species. Some flowers are strong and colorful, others are simple and sweet. The style of their beauty determines the atmosphere that they create. A vase of wildflowers makes a…

  • Rainy Day Blue Jeans

    It’s another gloomy, rainy day on Cape Cod. Don’t wear your nice shoes or they may get ruined! What do you wear on a day like this? When the weather is beckoning sweatpants and slippers yet you need to look presentable, here is my advice: make it a jean day. The weather, can set the…

  • Shop Like a Man: Guilt-Free

    I did it again! I forgot to buy cereal, yet there I was trying to make the room for all the other groceries I didn’t need. I suppose I could get up early and make my kids eggs in the morning since now I have over two dozen! Anyone with any knowledge of budgeting knows…

  • One Important Rule, One Essential Tool for Great Makeup

    Sometimes the only difference between an amateur and a professional is the fact that one of them gets paid. While this may be insulting to some professionals, it can be true in my business. While I realize there will always be times when a woman needs to spend a little money on image services, I’m…

  • What Holds you Back from Wearing Makeup?

    There are three main reasons most women do not want to wear makeup: 1.They don’t like how it looks. 2.They don’t like how it feels. 3.They don’t know how to make it look good on them. If you are like the many women I have encountered who wish they could give themselves a makeover, then…

  • Discovering Self-Confidence Takes Self-Discovery

    Life is a journey in search for significance. Our innate desire to be valued is apparent as soon as we enter this world. Newborns thrive when they feel loved; a neglected baby suffers not only emotionally but physically. Each of us is born with a strong desire to know who we are. A child is like…

  • What is Your Purchasing Theme?

    I love dark chocolate. If my secret stock of it ever starts getting scarce, I hit the market–immediately, before I run out and have a crisis. The funny thing is, I never lack chocolate because I buy it all the time and seldom allow myself the indulgence of eating it. You may roll your eyes at…

  • Building a Confident Closet

    By now, all that is left in your closet is clothing that fits, flatters and makes you feel confident. Congratulations! Now it’s time to create beautiful and complete outfits that represent you well. As Americans we tend to think we need a lot more than we do–especially when it comes to clothing. In reality, a thinner…

  • How to Give Your Closet an Audit

    Six seconds. That’s how much time you have to make a first impression. It is important that your image represent you well. Now and then we each need to do a Wardrobe Rehab. The best way to start this process is to take an audit: Who are you? What do you wear? What you do…

  • What’s in Your Closet?

    Statistics show that 80% of a woman’s wardrobe is either uncomfortable, torn, stained, outdated, or impractical for her every day lifestyle. If this is your reality, I bet you are like most of us who stand before our crowded closets and say, “I have nothing to wear!” Men might think we are crazy and ungrateful,…

  • What 2 Wear Hair Tips

    As Memorial Day quickly approaches lots of women are ready for new summer hairstyles. For the past few Wednesdays my “What 2 Wear” tips have been about making good choices depending on your facial shape (and Img.ID of course!). So far we have gone over styles for the oval and square faces, but there are…