Tag: image issues

  • Do you Feel Like an Ugly Duckling?

    The primary factor in determining your Personal Image Identity (Img.ID) is your physical appearance. Just as a rose by any other name is still a rose, so are you the style of beauty that your physical attributes indicate that you are. Anyone could say that a rose is just a flower, or they could call…

  • Take this LifeSTYLE Quiz

    Take this LifeSTYLE Quiz

    You are invited to a formal event. How does your heart respond? Some women (and men) enjoy dressing up and socializing. Others feel quite the opposite. The way you respond to certain lifestyle choices has a lot to say about which style of beauty (or attractive) you are. While your physical attributes are the major…

  • The Overlooked Solution for Acne

    When acne blows up, does you confidence deflate? Google is betting on it, which is why ads for suicide prevention are often linked to your search on this common skin condition. Acne affects about 50 million Americans a year. Obnoxious blemishes have a way of rearing their ugly head at crucial times in life–not only in adolescence!…

  • Are You Stylish?

    Stylish, by definition, is trendy, modern, fashionable, sophisticated, elegant, glamorous. When someone or something is “stylish” it captivates our hearts and attracts our attention. A woman is considered stylish if she follows fashion and gives attention to the details of her makeup, hair and nails. A home is considered stylish if the details and finish are…

  • Making Peace with your Style

    When did the quest to find yourself begin? Did you know who you were as a little girl? Did you discover your true identity in High school? Did your passion, purpose and personality suddenly reveal itself, or was it a progressive unveiling? Who am I? Most of us question our identity throughout our lives. We begin by roleplaying…

  • 7 Ways to Save Money on Clothing

    7 Ways to Save Money on Clothing

    Autumn is officially upon us and once again we New Englanders find ourselves pulling out last year’s sweaters and boots and squeezing them into our closet full of summer clothing, which we are not yet ready to put away. (After all, this dreadful weather is going to calm and Sunday will be beautiful again!) Crowded closets…

  • Do You Accept Rejection?


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    In every conversation, every glance your way, each test you take or act you perform, there will always be the nagging questions about your identity, purpose, power and value: Who am I? Why am I here? Am I enough? Am I too much? Does my life even matter? These questions about our significance may be…

  • Are you More Confident in Stilettos or Sneakers?

    Are you More Confident in Stilettos or Sneakers?

    With Texas facing such unfathomable devastation, I find it hard to blog about beauty today, but since the media is so concerned with Melania’s choice in shoes right now, I suppose it’s not too inappropriate to discus the topic. Appropriate footwear It’s true, what we wear on our feet shows how committed we are to…

  • Making Peace with your Image

    Making Peace with your Image

    Glance at a flower and it will amaze you with its beauty. Take a deep look at the details of each pedal, the leaves and it’s stem and you may not be as impressed. I mean really, what is this? Flowers wilt; they fall over or break, and very often they have many deformities. No…

  • Can You Help Ugly Become Beautiful?


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    If you have ever heard of the Proverbs 31 woman, you know she is amazing. She is someone we all want to be, she does it all, has it all, makes it all, and IS it all! She is the wise, ambitious, strong, organized woman of God who loves her husband, children, and servants. She honors,…

  • Do Ugly Mistakes Define You?


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    I recently heard a recovering addict refer to herself as a dandelion: ugly and annoying to most but beautiful and useful to those who know her. Her analogy has me thinking. As the mother of an addict, I’m often baffled by the way my son returns to his drug of choice even though it makes…

  • Encouragement in an Identity Crisis

    This could be a story about you. Perhaps your losing your hair, have a major skin problem, are cross-eyed or confined to a wheelchair. This could be a story about a friend or family member, who’s Image Issue is not outwardly apparent to most, but is weighing on your heart because you know about her eating disorder,…