Search results for: “trisomy 18”

  • Becoming Confident About Convictions

    What a joy it was to help Faith Assembly of God with their celebration of Palm Sunday! I learned so much while painting the adorable faces of children from all over Hyannis. Some of their requests cracked me up. These kids were either adamant about having me create what they struggled to communicate, or they…

  • Beautiful Hands

     The time and money women spend on manicures may seem like an indulgence to some, but it is actually a simple and powerful way to invest in her confidence. Whether it is time or money that she spends, her Return On Investment produces a high level of confidence which gives her more energy and enthusiasm.…

  • Confident Hands

    What woman doesn’t enjoy a good manicure? It’s not just the pampering that she loves. The finishing touch on her hands makes her feel confident and beautiful. The smooth, clean polish says a lot to others too. Well-kept nails show self-respect and attention to detail and this adds credibility to the professional woman and creativity…

  • 4 Ways a Smile Changes Your Life

    “Smile, it increases your face value.” My dad would tease me with this quote all the time when I was a kid. I hated that. I knew what was next: “Lighten up, or you are going to be stuck with that serious expression engraved in the folds of your face when you get old and wrinkled.” Well…

  • Foolish or Funny?

    Is it April Fools Day or April Fun Day? This morning, as I helped my daughter’s class decorate the school administrator’s office like a winter wonderland to taunt her spring fever, I was reminiscing of all the April Fools jokes we have experienced throughout the years. One of my favorites was the time Tori wanted…

  • Helplessly Helpful


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    With so much neglect, abuse and addiction running ramped in our society, what do you do when you want to help someone you really care about but you just don’t know how to help? Undoubtedly, every one of us has faced an emotional, spiritual or physical difficulties that we can be confident that others will…

  • Perfect Pics and Body Image

    Right after taking a class on Photoshop at a Geek Girl Tech Conference this weekend I was challenged with some questions about today’s media: Are they to blame for the fact that so many girls have image issues today? I don’t think so. I agree that technology’s ability to correct figure flaws and imperfections can cause…

  • Eyeglasses that are YOU

    Spring fever seems to bring with it a desire for change. Are you one of the many looking to change your look with a new pair of glasses? If so, here are some general guidelines to help you choose a style that will give you Confidence. Oval faces can wear most styles as long as…

  • Finding a Gown that’s YOU

    Proms and Weddings: Two big events that are important to the feminine heart. Young girls dreams of them; grown women reminisce of them even in old age. A big part of these dreams and the memories are greatly governed by the girl’s attire. This is why picking a gown is seldom a quick and easy…

  • Holy Hug



    I remember the guilt like yesterday. I remember the crime as well, but twenty years later it hardly seems like something to have been so ashamed of. I was a single mom struggling with depression. I wanted to be happy and cheerful but it took a conscious effort to be pleasant–and that day I had…

  • What’s Your Brand?

    Branding is a powerful marketing tool in the business world. One glance at the Starbucks logo and you can almost smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Why? Because the twin-tailed mermaid has represented the world-famous coffeehouse since 1971, and though the image has been refined as the business has grown, customers can expect quality…

  • Are Cliques Bad?

    Cliques. Nobody likes them unless they are them. Girlfriends who are having a good time together can (purposely or unmindfully) snub those around them, and if you are the one left out of the fun it can make you feel like an outsider. While these kinds of situations can rock the confidence of some women…