Read any article on beauty and you are bound to find the word “confidence” somewhere.
Without a doubt, as women we feel better about our self-worth when we feel good about our appearance. Although it is certainly a catch 22, a more effective approach to satisfying this innate longing for beauty is to focus more on becoming confident. A beautiful woman radiates confidence, but a confident woman radiates beauty–no matter what her appearance.
Ask any guy and he will tell you that women put too much work into beauty. It does take a lot of time to do treatments, applications and accentuations, but beauty takes a lot less work than building confidence does.
Confidence is especially hard to build when we have had our hearts wounded.
When we experience a traumatic event in our lives, whether it is directly related to our image or not, it makes us question our self-worth. We begin to think that if only we were more valuable we would not have been hurt. It is easy to conclude that our painful experience is because we deserve it or that we are not loved. Sometimes we internalize our belief with shyness, defensiveness or even humor. Other times we wear our heart on our sleeve with desolate or destructive behavior.
When we believe that, “no one cares” we dress accordingly by:
- Dressing for approval
- Attempting to push others away with outrageous style
- Devaluing or become unconcerned with our appearance
- Attempting to overcome our inner beliefs with “happy talk”
It is not until we learn that our true value is not based either on what others think about us or what we think about ourselves that we become women of Confident Beauty.
I believe the secret to truly understanding our value is in knowing that we were created in the image of God and in having a relationship with Him.
You are valuable. I am valuable. It is not because we are beautiful; it is because we are chosen. It is not because of who we are, it is because of Whose we are. It doesn’t matter that others have condemned our imperfections; we are not required to be perfect.
Though it hurts when others do not like us, we can still believe we are of value because we are loved unconditionally. Even when we fail completely and the ones we hurt refuse to forgive our apologies, we can be confident that we are forgiven by the Righteous Judge.
You and I are intrinsically valuable regardless of how we feel, how we are treated or what we have done or experienced.
If you are having trouble believing in yourself today, I encourage you to test your faith. Does your belief system cause you to HATE, HIDE or get HUNG UP on your self-worth at all? Instead of outfit shopping, perhaps it’s time to try on a new belief system.
Don’t let your past define you anymore. The God of the universe died for your freedom, what could make you more valuable than that?
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8